Yovannis Mierez
Director of LNG Operations Services for Sempra Infrastructure LLC, San Diego CA, USA.
Current role provides operational/technical support to the company LNG initiatives in company's portfolio and oversight to operating facilities. Have been working in the natural gas processing industry in the USA and other parts of the world for 37 years, covering the entire value chain for natural gas.
Experience Key words includes: LNG transfer ship operations, LNG Storage-vaporization-Natural gas send out and associated processes, FEED, Procurement, Detail Engineering, FERC regulatory compliance, HAZOP, Construction, Commissioning and Start up, Technical Services, Facility Planning, Commissioning and Start up, NGL Cryogenic extraction and fractionation processing operations, Natural gas gathering systems, Gas reinjection to reservoir, gas treating and conditioning, gas transportation, pigging operations, pipelines electronic inspection programs, gas pipeline construction, strategy for tie-ins for new incorporations, budget planning, LNG peak-shaving facilities.
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