Shamsairi Ibrahim
Shamsairi M Ibrahim is the Vice President of LNG Marketing & Trading in PETRONAS. In this role, he oversees the marketing and trading of LNG in Asia, Europe and the Americas on top of energy commodities trading in the UK and Europe.'
He started his career in PETRONAS in 1991 as a Marketing Executive in Malaysia LNG Sdn. Bhd. ("MLNG") and was transferred to Malaysian International Trading Corporation (Japan) Sdn. Bad. ("MITCO") in 1999. He returned to MLNG in 2004, where he held multiple positions including roles in marketing and operations in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan markets.'
In 2008, Shamsairi ventured in chemical business after seconded to Optimal Group of Companies. His career within petrochemical business was further cemented as held the Commercial - Olefins & Derivatives Department and later the Marketing and Sales Division for the PETRONAS Chemical Group.'
In 2017, he was appointed as the CEO of PETRONAS Chemicals Marketing (Labuan) Ltd. and the Head of Commercial for PETRONAS Chemical Group Berhad, responsible for the Group's overall commercial excellence. Shamsairi also sits on several Boards within the PETRONAS Group of Companies.'
He graduated with an Associate Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National College of Technology, Japan and obtained an Executive MBA from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).''