Philip Hagyard
Philip Hagyard has been with Technip Energies since 1982. In the first half of his career as a process engineer, he was associated at a technical level with all stages of Nigeria LNG, Yemen LNG and the Qatargas projects.''
From 2005 to 2022 he was responsible for developing Technip Energies position in LNG, FLNG and mid-scale LNG, managing pre-sales commercial activities; monitoring the gas market, trends in investment and the evolution of technology; fixing strategy in technology and partnerships and managing the group-wide R&D programme.'
He is a Chartered Chemical Engineer in the UK and has worked in France, the UK, Norway, Qatar and Malaysia.'
After serving on every LNG steering committee since LNG15 in Barcelona representing the IIR, he has continued for LNG2023 in his capacity as PC Chair.'