Niek den Hollander
Chief Commercial Officer,
Niek den Hollander, born 1973, studied Financial Econometrics at Tilburg University (Netherlands) from 1991 to 1997. After completing his Master's degree, he worked in the financial and energy sector in various trading positions. For Statkraft (Amsterdam, Netherlands) he worked as Head of Structured Trading from 2005 to 2006 and as Head of Long-term Energy Management from 2006 to 2008. 2006 he attended the CFA Institute (Degree as Chartered Financial Analyst) and in the same year until 2008 the TiasNimbas Business School in Tilburg (Netherlands). After completing his Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) at TiasNimbas Business School, he worked from 2008 to 2014 at Statkraft (D'sseldorf, Germany) as Head of Trading. Thereafter, Mr. den Hollander joined Vattenfall (Hamburg, Germany), where he held various positions in the period from 2014 to 2020, initially serving as Head of Business Unit Trading from 2014 to 2017, after which he became part of Executive Group Management as Head of Business Area Markets from 2017 to 2020. Since June 2020, he has served on the board of management of Uniper SE as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), where he is responsible for commercial asset optimization, trading & origination as well as B2B Sales activities across commodities.'