Masato Araya
Number of years working in the gas/LNG industry
26 years
Number of LNG X events attended
This will be my first event.
The input that I want to make to the conference's programme
I am eager to spread the importance of LNG as transition energy to the world.
What do I expect from LNG2023?
I believe that LNG will play an important role as a transitional energy for the time being in order to realize a carbon-neutral world in the future. I hope that LNG2023 will be an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of LNG.
Masato ARAYA joined Tokyo-gas since 1996 and has been working on LNG Receiving Terminal for most of my 26 year career.
He has been in charge of construction / expansion, operation & maintenance of LNG receiving terminals for 14 years, and in addition, construction / operation & maintenance of LNG carriers, and operation & maintenance of gas turbine combined cycle power plant, and consulting services for LNG terminals in Japan.
Currently, He is considering digital transformation of LNG receiving terminals and decarbonization.