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Mark Loquan

Mark Loquan

President, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
Mark Loquan is a Chemical Engineer by profession with over 35 years of experience in the petrochemical industry. He was appointed President of The National Gas Company of Trinidad'and Tobago Limited (NGC) in September 2016 and was appointed Director on the Board of NGC in July 2019.'Mark Loquan acquired an MBA in 1992 from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and'received training in Executive Leadership and Management from Cornell University and IESE'Business School (University of Navarra).'Mark began his career in the energy sector as a process engineer and moved through various leadership positions at a multinational energy company, which he headed in Trinidad, Angola/Sub-Saharan'Africa, and Australia. At NGC, he has led a process of transformation, expanding the'business portfolio across the value chain; streamlining processes with technology; strengthening'the company's presence in the value chain; and positioning the company, the Group, and the industry for'a green future, incorporating a focus on the energy transition and sustainability reporting.