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Madam Yalan Li

Madam Yalan Li

President, International Gas Union (IGU)

Madam Yalan Li has over thirty years of experience in the gas industry. She is a well-known expert in the gas industry in China.

Madam Li contributed to the rapid development of the gas industry development in Beijing, with annual gas consumption volume increasing from 180 million cubic meters to 18 bcm over the past three decades. Her years of experience working in the industry allow her a forward-looking view of both Chinese and international energy policies, energy development strategy and emissions reduction. She organized the study and implementation of a natural gas development plan for Beijing Municipality; carried out a large number of coal-to-gas conversion projects; headed the compilation of the Natural Gas Development Plan of Beijing Municipality from the 9th Five-Year Plan period to the 13th Five-Year Plan period and the Development Strategy Study of Beijing Gas Group; completed many town gas acquisition projects; and successfully led LNG procurement among other strategic cooperation of the group company. Under her leadership, Beijing Gas Group aims to become a world-class, integrated clean energy operator.

Madam Li'holds a Bachelor's Degree of Engineering from Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, majoring in Thermal Engineering, and she holds an MBA degree from Renmin University of China. She studied in Gas De France for one year in 1990. She started her career working in the Public Utilities Bureau of Beijing Municipal Government and then Beijing Gas Group. Since 2001, she had worked as Chief Engineer, Deputy General Manager and General Manager of the Company. She was appointed as Chairperson of the Board of Beijing Gas Group in June 2014.

She has been serving as Vice Chairperson of the China Gas Association since December 2012.

Madam Li was elected as IGU President for the 2022-2025 triennium.