Laura Lunt
Laura has extensive executive, operations, and Board Director experience. For over 25 years, as an Engineer and business leader Laura she has enabled organizations to streamline operations and effectively build relationships with stakeholders. This has translated into timely capital projects, well-received acquisitions, smart change initiatives, well-mitigated reputational crises, and successful leadership transitions.''
Laura Lunt is currently the leader in creating a Canadian low-carbon fuels business to domestically replace diesel for Linde, a global industrial gas company, as well as a leader of a thriving Canadian industrial gas services team. Previously, she served as VP of Oilsands and'Heavy Oil, including pipelines and terminals, at Pembina Pipeline, a major TSX-listed company.''
Laura believes in the power of higher education and supporting learning and development to enhance people's lives and opening up possibilities for new lines of thinking. This is demonstrated through her service over the last 10 years on a variety of boards including Board Director roles at both Alberta Motor Transport Association, Women-Building Futures and Inside Education.''''