Jorge Lobo
Jorge Lobo'has been with FortisBC for more than 12 years in areas such as energy efficiency and Renewable Natural Gas project management. For seven'years, Jorge led the development of innovative LNG delivery systems for industrial customers including mining, power generation and marine, from initial concept, design and implementation to operation and maintenance.''
Jorge leads the teams in charge of LNG Asset Operation and Maintenance, LNG Logistics and Safety, Education and Compliance within the FortisBC Low Carbon Transportation (LCT) group. His responsibilities include delivering LNG safely and reliably, LNG awareness sessions for employees, customers, first responders and external stakeholders; as well as ensuring LCT operations comply with local, national and international regulations. The successful implementation of LNG delivery and supply systems has been instrumental to the growth of FortisBC into the LNG export and LNG as a marine fuel market.''
Jorge actively participates as an LNG supply subject matter expert supporting the Society for Gas a Marine Fuel and is part of the Leadership Team of the Vancouver Maritime Centre for Climate.''
Before joining FortisBC, Jorge led an EPC company where he developed major infrastructure projects with custom solutions for private and public customers. Jorge is a professional engineer and holds an MBA from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.'
Jorge is a proud father of 11-year-old twins and likes to bike, swim, ski, and do a variety of outdoor sports.''