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Birger Balteskard

Birger Balteskard

Head of Global LNG Marketing & Trading, ConocoPhillips

Birger Balteskard has 37 years of international oil and gas experience and 22 years of experience working in various parts of the LNG value chain.' In 2016, Balteskard assumed his current position as manager for Global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Marketing and London Commercial Office for ConocoPhillips. Balteskard has recently' been actively involved in the development of ConocoPhillips LNG business that includes a U.S. LNG Export position, participation in new Qatari Expansion Projects and capacity at the German LNG Terminal in' Brunsbuttel, Germany'

Balteskard joined the company in 1986 and started his career in upstream with engineering, offshore operations and commercial assignments in Stavanger, Norway.' In 1997, Balteskard moved to work for Phillips Petroleum U.K. limited in London where he was named commercial manager for Phillips' upstream operations in the United Kingdom. In 2001, he moved to Bartlesville to work in the newly formed World Wide Gas division as'joint venture manager.''

Following the merger, Balteskard relocated to Houston, Texas, where he headed up the Atlantic Basin LNG marketing group. In 2006, Balteskard was named manager for European Commercial Development in London being responsible for natural gas sales in Europe, development of a European LNG trading desk, commercial business development and management of the European carbon portfolio for ConocoPhillips.'''

Balteskard earned his Bachelor of Science degree in natural gas engineering from Salford University, Manchester in the United Kingdom in 1986.'
