Brian Haggerty
Brian Haggerty GAICD, HonFIEAust, EngExec, Chartered Professional Engineer
Leader in the global LNG and energy sector, bringing experience in project delivery, technology advancement, and climate adaptation.
Current Roles
- Consultant in energy developments and climate strategies.
- Director, Australian Gas Industry Trust, gas industry education and research.
- Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia.
- Co-founder and past Chair, Hydrogen Society of Australia, advocating for the hydrogen economy.
- WA Division Committee Engineers Australia and past President.
Career Highlights
- Executive at Woodside Energy (retired), with leadership in pioneering LNG projects and integrating new energy technologies.
- A decade at Shell PLC, leading international LNG and gas developments including the Pearl GTL project in Qatar.
- Renowned for contributions to offshore gas facilities designs, construction, and advancing clean energy solutions.
- Deputy Dean, UWA Engineering Faculty, enhancing industry engagement and research commercialization.
- Advisor on corporate transition strategies for future energy scenarios.
Committed to advancing a sustainable energy industry.