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Brian Haggerty

Brian Haggerty

Director, Australian Gas Industry Trust

Brian Haggerty GAICD, HonFIEAust, EngExec, Chartered Professional Engineer

Leader in the global LNG and energy sector, bringing experience in project delivery, technology advancement, and climate adaptation.

Current Roles

- Consultant in energy developments and climate strategies.

- Director, Australian Gas Industry Trust, gas industry education and research.

- Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia.

- Co-founder and past Chair, Hydrogen Society of Australia, advocating for the hydrogen economy.

- WA Division Committee Engineers Australia and past President.


Career Highlights

- Executive at Woodside Energy (retired), with leadership in pioneering LNG projects and integrating new energy technologies.

- A decade at Shell PLC, leading international LNG and gas developments including the Pearl GTL project in Qatar.

- Renowned for contributions to offshore gas facilities designs, construction, and advancing clean energy solutions.

- Deputy Dean, UWA Engineering Faculty, enhancing industry engagement and research commercialization.

- Advisor on corporate transition strategies for future energy scenarios.


Committed to advancing a sustainable energy industry.